Sunday, January 4, 2015

Goals for 2015

Dear readers,

here are my goals for 2015:
  • Saving rate of 55%
  • Write every month atleast one job application. To learn from the job interviews and get a better paid job or get an equally paid job with less traveling included. (signed a new job contract. I will start there on July 01, 2015)
  • Keep doing sports, 3 hours / week. Nordic Walking and/or Swimming

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Review of 2014

Dear readers,

a lot happend last year. I finished two certifications that help to raise my monthly salary to ~3300€ before taxes and stuff like health insurance etc. I read many blogs about financal freedom, dividend growth investment, healthy living and soccer. My savings rate for 2014 is at 52,33%, which is great for a guy like me, who was used to spend all the money that got in his pockets. I hope this part of me is gone forever.

Here are the numbers of the last year. The best part are the 497,26€ that fell from the dividend sky.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

December 2014 review

Dear readers,

my numbers for the last month of the year. I like my monthly income now. My savings rate is close to 70%, because i'm not used to spend that much money :)